Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Feast of Epiphany

The visit of the Magi to Jesus and His family marks the manifestation (Epiphany) of the coming of the Messiah to the whole world.

HT The Anchoress

Reposted from 2004.

Follow the Star

Little known details about the visit of the three wise men seeking the birth of Jesus.

Being wise men they knew this was to important of an event not bring their wives, so they gladly hired the extra camels and tents so their wives and families could come.

Being wise men they went on the Star Web and got Astrology Positioning System (APS) coordinates and instructions to “follow the star”

Being wise men they always stopped and got directions when their wives suggested.
Also being wise men they realized the directions were mostly useless; checked the APS coordinates and “followed the star”.

They and their wives were truly overjoyed at visiting their Savior and His family.

The whole trip was a great success except for stopping to ask directions in Jerusalem. That was a bummer.

The moral: Wise men and women still seek Him.

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